Cold Plunge Tub; Can You Build Your Own?

Cold Plunge Tub; can you build your own

Cold Plunge Tub; can you build your own? Absolutely. Yes, I know what you are thinking, you’re the “hot tub building guy” so why would you want to help me build a cold plunge tub? Easy. The process is the same just you are using a chiller rather than a heater! I’ve actually helped quite a few people these days build cold plunge tubs. PS that is not me in the picture!


In this blog post I will cover some of the considerations you will need to think about if you are planning to build your own DIY cold plunge tub.




Determine where you want to install the cold plunge tub. Consider factors such as available space, access to water supply and drainage, privacy, and proximity to other amenities like showers or saunas.

You are not going to be soaking in a cold plunge for hours on end and there is usually somewhere warm to escape to afterwards – so make sure you have enough space for this.


Size and Depth of a Cold Plunge Tub:


Decide on the dimensions and depth of the tub based on your preferences and available space. The typical depth for a cold plunge tub ranges from 3 to 5 feet (0.9 to 1.5 meters). Ensure that the size and depth allow for comfortable immersion and movement.

You also need to think about your cold plunge tub and how you are going to chill it. I have two different options for you. One is an all-in-one solution that comprises of a pump, filter and a chiller in a single unit. This can be used for up to around 13 cubic feet of water.

If you are going larger than this, then I have a plumbing kit and a recommendation for a chiller that you can pick up on Amazon. There are links to both of these options in the images.

Cold Plunge DIY Kit

Material Selection:


Choose a suitable material for constructing the tub. Common options include wood (such as cedar or redwood), concrete, block or even metal. Consider factors like durability, maintenance requirements, and aesthetics when selecting the material.

Also, you need to think about your own skills and what works for you. For me, I like timber and I also like block – but I would not be looking to do a poured concrete cold plunge tub as that is not really where my skillset lies.

This is a DIY project so you have to play to your strengths on this one – as they say, there are more than one way to skin a cat – lol.




Incorporate insulation into the design to maintain water temperature and conserve energy. Insulating the walls and bottom of the tub can help reduce heat loss and maintain the desired cold temperature.

Pretty obvious? Well, yes, even if you are doing a cold plunge tub, you want to put instillation in there. That will help not only keep the cold in but also the heat out – works both ways. 

This will also as I have said help with the energy cost so that this cold plunge tub does not end up costing you the earth.


Filtration and Water Treatment:


Implement a filtration system to keep the water clean and free from debris. Consider options such as a sand or cartridge filter, UV sterilization, or a chlorine/bromine system. Regular water testing and maintenance will be necessary to ensure water quality.

What you don’t want here is a cold plunge tub that is single use. That, in my mind is a wast of water. Having filtration and sanitation in there will help keep that water safe and clean so you can use your tub multiple times.


Water Source and Drainage:


Determine the water source for filling the tub and plan for efficient drainage. Access to a nearby water supply and proper drainage systems are essential. Consider using a recirculation system to minimize water consumption.

This again may seem like a simple point, but at some point you are going to need to drain your cold plunge tub and you will of course need to fill it and top it up. You will loose water through the regular use as bathers get in and out, so you will need to top it up. Ensure you have access to a hose pipe at the very least to be able to do this.

Top tip, if you let your water chemical levels drop to pretty much zero, you can use the water when you empty on the garden – just not when your chlorine is still present in high levels!

Safety Measures for your Cold Plunge Tub:

Incorporate safety features to ensure a secure and risk-free experience. Install handrails or steps for easy entry and exit, anti-slip flooring, and proper lighting for visibility, especially if the tub will be used in the evening or at night.

Again, this is pretty obvious, but I thought that I would put this in there anyway.

Permits and Regulations:


Check local building codes and regulations regarding the installation of a cold plunge tub. You may need permits or inspections before construction can begin.



Consider the long-term maintenance requirements of the tub. Regular cleaning, water treatment, and inspection of components like pumps and filters will be necessary to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Unfortunately, rules and regulations do creep in there in some countries, states and townships – they are all different so you will have to check with your local planning office first. Do this before you build your cold plunge tub – you don’t want a fine or worse and have to remove it!

Cost Considerations:


Calculate the overall cost of building the cold plunge tub, including materials, labor (if applicable), permits, and ongoing maintenance. Set a budget and ensure that it aligns with your expectations.

Yes, lastly, do cost all of this out before you start – you don’t want to be half way through and run out of cash to finish it.


Hope you have found this article useful 

Happy “cold plunge tubbin’ 


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If I can help you in any way I would love to hear from you. You can get in touch using the form below.

Thanks - Andi


Hi, Andi here. I own and also write all of the articles and info pages on the site. Some years back now, I built my own hot tub but struggled to find the information I needed. So, once my tub was complete, I started this website to help others in their own pursuit of hot tub and plunge pools DIY building information.

Today, I've helped over 1000 DIY customers just like you all over the world build hot tubs and pools. Have a good look around the site, there are lots of resources here. Please do get in touch if I can help you. - Cheers, Andi

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