How does your hot tub plumbing wokr? this guide breaks down the essentials of hot tub plumbing in a simple and easy to follow way
Category Archives: DIY Hot Tub Building
This blog covers everything you need to know about building your own DIY Hot Tub. From planning to plumbing, I cover it all.
Welcome back to a brand-new case study where we follow the progress of Reem who is building a DIY Hot Tub in Michigan.
Correctly sizing a hot tub pump isn’t just a case of plucking a number from thin air. Nor is it the case of just going “bigger is better” there is a little science, well, physics involved.
What is the best way to heat my DIY Hot Tub? This is a question that many people ask about their hot tub. In this blog post, we will discuss various ways to do just that. We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
DIY Hot Tub Heater – which one should I choose? How you heat the hot tub can ultimately affect how you use it and how much it costs you to run your tub. As I am sure you have realised, this blog and my YouTube Channel focus on DIY Hot Tubs and Pools. Hopefully, in this article, I can explain some of the options that you have for your DIY Hot Tub Heater.
A control room is the brains behind your entire DIY hot tub. It’s the room or location where you house your pumps, blowers, spa packs, dosing kits, heater, and all other external elements. Without it, your hot tub would just be a tub.
Given the many considerations when designing a control room, I’ve written this article to explain everything you need to know. By the end, you’ll understand exactly what design considerations are important for your control room.
This article covers a recent DIY hot tub build using ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) that I had the pleasure of assisting with.
Understanding hot tub pump union sizes can be confusing. Don’t worry because this article will explain everything you need to know!
By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly how to find a replacement headrest or cushion for your hot tub.