Author Archives: buildahottub

Hot Tub Pool Combo – DIY Design Considerations

Hot Tub Pool Combos are popular at hotels and resorts. So the question is, can we actually build these ourselves in our backyards? The simple answer is yes, you can build a hot tub pool combo in your back yard but there are a number of things you need to consider.

DIY Hot Tub Construction

DIY Hot Tub Construction was something I was struggling finding information about. was established as I could not find the information I needed as a DIY Hot Tub builder myself. I searched the internet and was looking for information on how to perfect my skills and build that perfect tub. I researched everything from building spas, to hot tubs, to swim spas, to plunge pools, but I just could not find the information that I needed.

Can you heat a Hot Tub with a Ground Source Heat Pump?

Ground Source Heat Pump Hot Tub

Air Source Heat Pumps are becoming increasingly popular for Hot Tubs and Pools. However, what about a ground source heat pump hot tub? If you have one already on your home heating system, can you use this to heat your hot tub? In short, the answer in yes you can and in this article we will explore exactly what you need to do.

The Importance of Control Room Position for your DIY Hot Tub

Control Room Location

When you are thinking about your DIY Hot Tub, the control room placement is kind of key. In this article, we will examine the variables that can effect the control room position and ultimately the functionality of your tub.

DIY Hot Tub Case Study – Marc from the UK

Marc's DIY Hot Tub

Marc contacted in May 2021 as he wanted to build a hot tub between the area in his house and the garage. On Day Zero video below, you can see Marc showing the area where he had been using an inflatable tub for quite some time. He had a lazy spa which he had been having issues with for 16 or 18 months, it was repaired several times in the last 12 months alone. He spent a lot of money – nearly £3000 / $4000 – on repairs for it, and he still didn’t have a working hot tub!