Category Archives: Reviews & Info

Underwater Hot Tub Lighting Made Simple : The Ultimate Guide

Hot tub lighting

If you’re looking into building a DIY hot tub, then you know lighting is a big aspect of your build. It adds another dimension to your hot tub, and having some sort of lighting makes a huge difference in the overall experience.

However, there’s a lot to hot tub lighting, and it can get confusing at times. Don’t worry because this is the ultimate DIYer’s pool and spa lighting guide! I’ll take you through everything you need to know about lighting up your hot tub.

Top Tips for Designing the Ultimate DIY Hot Tub

Tips for DIY Hot Tub Build

If you’re thinking about designing your own DIY hot tub, you’ve come to the right place. Building a hot tub in your backyard is a rewarding project, and with the right approach, you can create the perfect oasis. Here are my top tips to help you design the ultimate DIY hot tub.