Category Archives: DIY Hot Tub Building

This blog covers everything you need to know about building your own DIY Hot Tub. From planning to plumbing, I cover it all.

Help! My Hot Tub Water is Murky!

If you own a hot tub, you may encounter all kinds of problems that need to be solved. Murky water is one of the most popular. Under this generic term, water that is cloudy, misty or anything that is not crystal clear is represented. The milky appearance of water is caused by particles floating in the water, which give it its murky appearance. These particles are too small to be reached and too small to get caught in the filter, so they run straight ahead and stay in the water.

Hot Tub Privacy Ideas

Unless you have a body like “The Rock” or a set of Abs like J-Lo, we can all be a little conscious of being in out swimwear. According to CBS News, 97% of women have a negative body image. Being on show, in the backyard or garden, not ideal for most of us. Therefore, it would make sense that we need to think about some ideas for how to create hot tub privacy.

The Ultimate Guide to Balancing Chemicals in your Hot Tub


Balancing Chemicals in your Hot Tub is key to clean, crystal clear and problem free water. In this blog post we are going to look at what a balanced set of chemicals look like and how we can resolve some common problems.

Audio Visual Ideas for your DIY Hot Tub

Hot Tub Health Benefits
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Did you know Hot Tubs are good for your health?

Hot Tub Health Benefits

Did you know that soaking in a hot tub regularly can be good for your health? I kind of guessed that it did as I always feel better after I have been in. So, I thought that in this post I would explore the benefits to your health of using a Hot Tub regularly. There were actually more than I thought! Some were quite surprising.

The Ultimate Backyard DIY Idea

We have the ultimate DIY Project for you. Building a DIY Hot Tub for your Backyard; is not as complicated as you think. In this blog post we are going to look at all things building supplies related so blocks, concrete, mortar, and more. Mortar Mix I was mixing the mortar by hand as I […]

Fancy a DIY Hot Tub for your Backyard – Learn More…

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How to Build your own DIY Hot Tub – It’s easier than you think!

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Breaking Ground on your DIY Hot Tub – Now The Fun Starts!

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