Air Source Heat Pump not heating your Hot Tub? Read on. In this article I will cover some of the possible causes for this and hopefully, by the end of this article you will be able to resolve the problem yourself – without paying for someone to come out to take a look at it. Quite often, it is something simple.
Best ICF Blocks for Hot Tubs? – if you are looking for the answer then read on.
Whilst a little unwelcome in general this cold snap, it has provided a certain opportunity. The uncharacteristically cold weather has provided a prime opportunity to do some real-world testing with my Air Source Heat Pump in sub zero conditions.
Hot tub tiles – the perfect way to finish your DIY Hot Tub. I always think that DIY Hot Tubs look best when they are finished in tile. Yes, they are a more expensive finish than a painted surface, but well worth it in my humble opinion.
talk a lot about air source heat pumps on this blog and my YouTube Channel; in this post, we are going to review the Onda Mini Air Source Heat Pump. The Onda Mini Air Source Heat Pump is a way to save money on your hot tub running costs without the expensive initial outlay of cash.
TubBlox Kits from are the easy way to create insulated walls for your DIY Hot Tub or Pool. This blog and YouTube Channel focus on helping the DIYer build their own Hot Tubs and Pools.
DIY Hot Tub Jets are so important. The bubbles. The massage. The whole “hot tub” experience in my opinion comes from the jets. This is one part of the whole building of the hot tub that you want to get right. This blog and my YouTube Channel focus on the building of DIY Hot Tubs and plunge pools so hopefully you will find this article useful.