My Hot Tub Control Room Remodel

the old control room

For those of you who are regular readers of the blog or indeed my YouTube Channel, you will know I talk an awful lot about the control room.

The control room is the hub of your hot tub and if you get this portion wrong, then you are going to be in trouble. Worst case, your hot tub just won’t work.

Why Pool and Hot Tub Plumbing Should Remain Separate

Pool and Hot Tub Plumbing

I get asked an awful lot about combining pool and hot tub plumbing kit. In this article I hope to highlight some of the problems you will face if you do try and combine them. I will also highlight some of the areas where it is possible to combine parts.

ICF Block Hot Tub? Absolutely! Case Study

ICF Block Hot Tub

John from the UK has actually “graduated” from the Online Course that I have available on the website. He took the course in late December 2021 with the aim of starting his DIY Hot Tub build in the Spring of 2022.

As you will see from the images and narrative below, John is well on his way with the build.

How to Avoid Mistakes When Using Contractors to Build Your Hot Tub

General Contractor Hot Tub

Getting a General Contractor built hot tub may sound like a good alternative for some of us. We don’t all have the time or the skills to actually do it ourselves. However, sometimes things can go wrong. In this article I will hope to give you some guidance on how to avoid the pitfalls of using general contractors to build your dream hot tubs.