Category Archives: DIY Hot Tub Building

This blog covers everything you need to know about building your own DIY Hot Tub. From planning to plumbing, I cover it all.

Hot Tub Control Room Design Considerations

Hot Tub Control Room

A control room is the brains behind your entire DIY hot tub. It’s the room or location where you house your pumps, blowers, spa packs, dosing kits, heater, and all other external elements. Without it, your hot tub would just be a tub.

Given the many considerations when designing a control room, I’ve written this article to explain everything you need to know. By the end, you’ll understand exactly what design considerations are important for your control room.

How Many Pumps Do You Need for Your DIY Hot Tub?

DIY Hot Tub Pumps

This guide explains how to determine the number of pumps needed for a DIY hot tub, covering essential considerations like jet count, plumbing layout, and the benefits of using multiple pumps for jets, circulation, and water features to ensure efficient operation and enhanced performance.