Category Archives: Design / Ideas Related

DIY Hot Tub Kit

DIY Hot Tub Kits

If you are looking for a DIY Hot Tub Kit, the chances are you are looking to build your own hot tub. Well, you have come to the right place.

This blog and my YouTube Channel are all about DIY Hot Tubs. I built my own DIY Hot Tub and now I help other DIYers like you do this same. At time of writing I have helped over 500 people with my plans, designs and parts.

How To Install a Counter Current Swim Machine on a Hot Tub or Plunge Pool


How to install a swim jet? With space being at a premium in most of our back yards, a counter current or a swim jet is a great addition to a DIY Hot Tub, Swim Spa, Plunge Pool or Cocktail Pool. Traditionally, not even traditionally, normally, these pieces of equipment run into the several thousand of dollars to install.

Hot Tub Wall Construction – What are the options?

There are a number of ways in which you can construct your walls for a DIY Hot Tub. The designs that are available in my store are all valid of each of the types of construction I describe below. In this article I am going to focus on the different types of wall construction you can opt for. Before we go any further, I must state I am not a structural engineer and this article has been written from experience rather than qualification.

Why Pool and Hot Tub Plumbing Should Remain Separate

Pool and Hot Tub Plumbing

I get asked an awful lot about combining pool and hot tub plumbing kit. In this article I hope to highlight some of the problems you will face if you do try and combine them. I will also highlight some of the areas where it is possible to combine parts.

Do I need a Permit for My Hot Tub?

Hot Tub Permit

The short answer is that it depends. Not the most helpful (yet) thing you have read but please do read on. It does depend on where you are located. If you are located in the UK for example, then no, you do not need a permit for a hot tub. You are able to build tubs and pools without a permit or planning permission as it is called over there.

Spa Pool Combo – Backyard ideas, design considerations and more…

Spa Pool Combo

A Spa Pool Combo, as the name suggests, is a combination of a Spa, Jacuzzi or Hot Tub combined with a swimming pool. Having a Spa Pool combo in your backyard is the ultimate relaxation zone. Somewhere to unwind after a long stressful day. It is also serious #backyardgoals and in this article, I am going explore all things Spa Pool related.

Hot Tub Pool Combo – DIY Design Considerations

Hot Tub Pool Combos are popular at hotels and resorts. So the question is, can we actually build these ourselves in our backyards? The simple answer is yes, you can build a hot tub pool combo in your back yard but there are a number of things you need to consider.