Category Archives: DIY Hot Tub Building

This blog covers everything you need to know about building your own DIY Hot Tub. From planning to plumbing, I cover it all.

How To Install a Counter Current Swim Machine on a Hot Tub or Plunge Pool


How to install a swim jet? With space being at a premium in most of our back yards, a counter current or a swim jet is a great addition to a DIY Hot Tub, Swim Spa, Plunge Pool or Cocktail Pool. Traditionally, not even traditionally, normally, these pieces of equipment run into the several thousand of dollars to install.

Using a Priming Circuit Above Ground on a Centrifugal Hot Tub Pump

priming pump circuit

I’ve mentioned many times on this blog and on my YouTube Channel that the position of the control room is really important. I actually have a full article here that explains the difference between above ground and below ground control rooms here.

Hot Tub Pipe – The Ultimate Guide

Hot Tub Pipe

You may think that pipe is just pipe. In the case of Hot Tub Pipe, there are certainly a few things you need to know. In this article I will explain everything you need to know about hot tub pipe. This will make the pipe selection process a lot easier for you.

Hot Tub Wall Construction – What are the options?

There are a number of ways in which you can construct your walls for a DIY Hot Tub. The designs that are available in my store are all valid of each of the types of construction I describe below. In this article I am going to focus on the different types of wall construction you can opt for. Before we go any further, I must state I am not a structural engineer and this article has been written from experience rather than qualification.

My Hot Tub Control Room Remodel

the old control room

For those of you who are regular readers of the blog or indeed my YouTube Channel, you will know I talk an awful lot about the control room.

The control room is the hub of your hot tub and if you get this portion wrong, then you are going to be in trouble. Worst case, your hot tub just won’t work.

How to Avoid Mistakes When Using Contractors to Build Your Hot Tub

General Contractor Hot Tub

Getting a General Contractor built hot tub may sound like a good alternative for some of us. We don’t all have the time or the skills to actually do it ourselves. However, sometimes things can go wrong. In this article I will hope to give you some guidance on how to avoid the pitfalls of using general contractors to build your dream hot tubs.

Do I need a Permit for My Hot Tub?

Hot Tub Permit

The short answer is that it depends. Not the most helpful (yet) thing you have read but please do read on. It does depend on where you are located. If you are located in the UK for example, then no, you do not need a permit for a hot tub. You are able to build tubs and pools without a permit or planning permission as it is called over there.